Banda Neira, nestled in the Banda Sea, is a gem of Indonesia’s Maluku Islands, renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and world-class diving. Once at the heart of the global spice trade, Banda Neira offers a blend of historical intrigue, cultural...
The Banda Sea, located in Indonesia’s remote southeastern region, is a hidden gem for divers seeking extraordinary underwater adventures. With its clear waters, diverse marine ecosystems, and secluded islands, this area offers some of the most pristine dive...
Introduction to Padar Island Padar Island is a breathtaking destination that often leaves visitors in awe. Situated between Komodo and Rinca islands, Padar is known for its dramatic landscapes, unique topography, and stunning panoramic views. Despite being less famous...
Introduction to Raja Ampat Raja Ampat, an archipelago located off the northwest tip of Bird’s Head Peninsula in West Papua, Indonesia, is often hailed as one of the world’s premier diving destinations. Known as the “Four Kings,” Raja Ampat consists of over 1,500 small...
Papua, is the gateway to the stunning Raja Ampat archipelago, offering a range of accommodations for travellers. The top choice is the new Aston Sorong Hotel, conveniently located within walking distance from the airport. This hotel offers modern rooms, an on-site...