With holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to plan your liveaboard trip to Raja Ampat! The anticipation and excitement of planning the trip can be exhilarating, not to mention the various dive spots you’ll be venturing into. To help you prepare for the trip, we’ve prepared a list of top tips to ensure you have a smooth liveaboard experience.


Papua Liveaboard | Raja Ampat Liveaboard Snorkeling | Calico Jack


Find the best itinerary

If you’re planning a liveaboard trip, chances are you already have an idea of the destinations you want to visit. Everyone’s got a dream destination that they want to go to – especially if you’re a scuba diving enthusiast. All you need to find is the right liveaboard to take you there!


Pack light

You’ll be spending the majority of your time either underwater or resting for your next dive. Therefore, you really don’t need anything other than the absolute essentials. Pack light, and only bring things you know for sure you’ll use.


Dive nitrox

For those who are certified, diving nitrox is one of the best ways to maximize your time underwater, it’s also considered safer. The enriched air will leave you feeling less exhausted when you resurface, allowing you to maintain your stamina for subsequent dives.


Get travel and dive insurance

You never know what to expect when you’re out on the ocean. Therefore, it’s always best to be covered for both traveling and diving. You’ll thank yourself for being prepared if a crisis situation arises. Make sure you know what the policy covers as well.


Educate yourself before the trip




Brush up on your marine knowledge before going underwater. Read about the different corals, fishes, and other marine life that’s available at the dive spot you’re visiting. A fun little challenge is to make a list of critters you haven’t already seen, and make it a goal to spot them underwater!


Brush up on water skills

Go over your diving skills and techniques to make sure you’re ready when you jump in the water. This includes clearing your mask underwater, buddy-checking procedures and other essential water skills that you’ll be utilizing underwater.

Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your time on the liveaboard cruise! Stay in the present and enjoy the momentary bliss as you drift off in the magnificent waters of Indonesia.

Learn how you can explore the waters of Indonesia with a liveaboard trip with Calico Jack Charters!