Have you ever wanted to set sail and dive into uncharted territories? Want to know what it’s like to explore to the edges of the ocean? Well, set your eyes on the Banda Sea!

While not technically uncharted, the Banda Seas are known for being one of the more remote and isolated areas in Indonesia. The remoteness of the Banda Sea means you’ll be venturing into water territories that not many have explored before.


kayaking banda sea


Banda Sea

Covering approximately 470,000 square km, the Banda Sea is part of the western side of the South Pacific Ocean. It is bordered on the west by Flores, south by Timor-Leste, Arafura on the East and Molucca on the North. The borders of the sea are lined with many small rocky islands, making navigation a bit tricky in certain conditions. These include a group of ten volcanic islands that make up the Banda Islands along with still more smaller ones. However, the middle of the sea is wide open for exploration.


Traveling to Banda Sea

As we prefaced above, the areas in Banda Sea are largely isolated and remote. This means you’ll be able to find unique and rare marine species and pristine coral reefs. You’ll also have amazing opportunities to swim and dive with rare pelagic creatures such as schools of Barracuda and Mackerel, and perhaps even sight the elusive Whale Shark and Hammerhead Shark.


Barracuda Fish | Diving Cruise Indonesia | Calico Jack


For the non-divers, the Banda Islands are just as enigmatic and enticing as the seas themselves. In fact, the Banda Sea and islands were historically significant locations. Known as the “Spice Islands”, these islands were once the epicenter for the spice trade by European explorers. The Dutch and British were known to occupy and build forts in an attempt to secure the spices. The geographical location of the Banda Sea also plays in important part. The nutmegs produced in these regions are claimed to be the best in the world due to the natural sea winds and salty rains that influence the final taste of the spices. As you can tell, the Banda Sea is has wealth of historical significance. Explore and learn more about the fascinating history of these isolated islands with a guide from our crew here at Calico Jack Charters.

The Banda Seas and Islands evoke a sense of adventure and mystery, much like Indiana Jones as he was traversing the unknown lands in search of treasures. For more details on the itinerary, rates and schedules for sailing into the Banda Sea, head over to our website. Set sail to Banda Sea with us Calico Jack Charters.